At Banck Law, located on the Northshore of New Orleans, we often represent drivers involved in vehicle accidents. However, it’s important to remember that passengers can be injured too and face unique challenges when pursuing accident claims. If you were injured as a passenger, whether in a car or on public transport, you have the same rights to compensation as drivers.

Identifying Who Is at Fault

To seek compensation, you must determine who caused the accident. If another’s negligence resulted in your injuries, you can file a claim for compensation. This might involve:

  • The driver of another vehicle, or
  • The driver of the vehicle you were in.

Challenges When Another Driver Is At Fault

If the accident was caused by another driver, your claim would generally proceed in the same way as if you were driving. However, remember that you and the driver might be drawing from the same limited pool of assets, potentially leading to conflicts. Therefore, consider hiring your own attorney to represent your interests separately.

Situations Involving Your Driver

The situation is more complex if the accident was caused by the driver of the vehicle you were in, especially if they are a friend or family member. Legally, the situation is treated the same, but pursuing a claim against someone you know can be emotionally difficult. Remember, you are effectively claiming against their insurance, not them personally. Discussing your options with a personal injury lawyer can help clarify the best steps to take.

Common Carriers and Rideshare Complications

If you were injured while using a common carrier like a bus or taxi, or even a rideshare service like Uber or Lyft, additional complexities arise. The driver may be an independent contractor, and the responsibility may fall on different parties depending on the situation. For instance, rideshare companies provide coverage only if the driver was actively transporting a passenger or en route to pick one up.

Navigating Claims in Rideshare Accidents

Rideshare scenarios require understanding the specific insurance coverage, which varies by the timing of the accident. These cases necessitate a knowledgeable approach to ensure all appropriate parties are held accountable.

Injured as a Passenger?

If you’ve been injured as a passenger, Banck Law can help you secure compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of your claim and ensure you receive the support you deserve.

Call Banck Law at (985) 900-2440 or email us at [email protected]. We’re dedicated to protecting your rights and helping you regain your footing after an accident.