Roundabouts are becoming a familiar sight across the Northshore, designed to improve traffic flow and reduce the risk of serious accidents. Notable examples include the roundabout near Archbishop Hannan High School in Covington, LA and another significant (and newest) one in downtown Covington, at the corner of E Boston Street and Jefferson Avenue. While roundabouts enhance safety when used correctly, they can be sources of confusion and risk when they’re not. Here’s your comprehensive guide to understanding how to navigate roundabouts properly, along with some essential dos and don’ts, and tips on pedestrian safety.

How to Navigate Roundabouts

Approach with Caution:

As you approach a roundabout, slow down and watch for signs and signals that may provide direction on which lane to choose based on your intended route. Reduce your speed to match the roundabout’s speed limit, which is typically lower than other parts of the road.

Yield to Traffic:

Drivers entering a roundabout must yield to traffic already circulating from the left. Do not enter the roundabout until there is a safe gap in traffic to do so.

Choose the Correct Lane:

To turn right, stay in the right-hand lane.

To go straight, you may use any lane unless road markings suggest otherwise.

To turn left or complete a full circle, use the left-hand lane.

Maintain a Consistent Speed:

Keep a steady, slow speed throughout the roundabout and avoid stopping within the roundabout if possible.

Exiting the Roundabout:

Signal your intent to exit using your right indicator. Make sure you watch for and yield to pedestrians and cyclists as you exit.

Dangers of Roundabouts

While roundabouts reduce the likelihood of high-speed collisions, they can still present challenges:

Accidents Due to Failure to Yield**: The most common type of accidents in roundabouts occur when drivers fail to yield the right of way to circulating traffic.

Collisions Between Vehicles in Different Lanes: These can happen when drivers do not follow lane markings or when they choose the wrong lane upon entering the roundabout.

Dos and Don’ts in Roundabouts


– Pay attention to signs and road markings.

– Yield to pedestrians and cyclists.

– Use your indicators to show your exit intentions.

– Maintain a slow, consistent speed.


– Enter a roundabout without yielding to existing traffic.

– Stop abruptly in the roundabout, unless traffic conditions require it.

– Change lanes within the roundabout.

– Speed through the roundabout.

Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrians must always use designated crosswalks when navigating roundabouts. Drivers should be particularly cautious and yield to pedestrians at these crosswalks. It’s vital for both pedestrians and drivers to stay alert and make eye contact whenever possible to ensure mutual awareness.

Why Embrace Roundabouts?

Research supports the shift towards roundabouts for safety and efficiency:

Significant Reduction in Major Collisions: Studies indicate reductions in injury collisions by 75% and fatalities by up to 90% compared to traditional intersections.

Continuous Traffic Flow: Roundabouts keep traffic moving more smoothly than stop signs or signals, reducing congestion and idling time.


Roundabouts, when navigated correctly, can significantly improve the flow of traffic and reduce the frequency and severity of accidents. For residents of the Northshore, understanding how to use these structures effectively is becoming increasingly important, especially with new roundabouts appearing near key locations such as schools and downtown areas.

At Banck Law, we understand that even with the best precautions, accidents can happen. If you find yourself in a collision or facing any road-related legal issues, our team is here to provide the guidance and support you need. Contact us for expert legal advice tailored to the unique challenges of driving in Louisiana. (985) 900-2440

Stay safe and confident at the wheel, especially at roundabouts, and remember that understanding and cooperation from all road users can make our roads safer for everyone.